
Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Pain Because of Love

helooo, annyeong , assalamualaikum..
today, i wanna share a true story about my lovely friend. she is one school with me but has different class. but i cant tell her name, this secret hehe :D

one boy is falling in love with my friend.he asking about my friend and asking her number phone. My friend, Yusep, not sure about his love maybe Yusep know more about this boy. but finally he give the number of T (my friend). T and F (the boy) have text and know each other. and tenggggggg...... taraaaaaa.... F tell he love T and T said ,"Yes". then they have special realitionship. day to go, F's friend , D, chatting with T on facebook.
D start like T and asking her number phone, with dont know anything, T give her number..
D send text to T and be a friend. Until, D said that he love T.
i was surprise because D is best friend of F, how he can do that to his friend?? i mean, is bout love.
T was surprise too, she said, "Oh my god."
Yusep said, "dont accept him, i dont like him as personal."
but i have another argument, why not? hahaha...
ya of course T deny D because she love F. but D said, "No problem if we have realitionship behind F." i think he was crazy. he want destroyed his friendship??

but out of my mind, D waiting T until she ready. oh my god, that so sweet. on facebook, if T update new status, D always click "Like This." ALWAYS.

you know what, a days out and F being so cold to T. maybe F boring, but its make T hurt. and every T send message, F just replied with so simple, just "Yes" and "Oh". i feel like i want kick his foot. eeeerrrrghhhh

finally, F said he fell somtehing different with them. not like a yesterday. and he said, "i dont know why but i feel so flat." like i guess, they are broke up. and my lovely friend, T, so sad. but i'm here for her.
on facebook, D like new T status , "single". maybe D stay love T, who knows????

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