
Selasa, 20 November 2012

Things in University

aaaa I miss this blog so muchhhhh :*
back with me again :))
how u doing viewers? good ?

Aa, i had a busy time in my new university, i take Mathematics Education because i want to be a teacher, in fact i want to be a prof of Trigonometry/Calculus :)
I see so much different things in university, first ofc from the clothes, no more uniform there. I were wear my kets shoes and there so many girls wear high heels. but ofc we all wear veil becz it was Islamic University. and boys in my class, just 5 boys -_- so different in collage see? there is no more biology, physic, chemist.

I have some friends, and now become best friend. there are 5 girls in the different profile. so we are six girls. we called our self with Angry Bird Family hehe~ I get green bird with a long mouth, u know ? kkkk~

we had a lot of fun with this friendship. and i love them. so see u with next news :))

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